The Hampstead Pedophile cult just got bigger

the enigma channel

British author, Chris Everard, has exposed yet another Hampstead school which concealed an active Pedo-ring since the 1970s - this ring of bastards not only bedded young boys, but bussed them up and down Britain where they worked like unpaid slaves delivering leaflets which were promoting LORD JANNER - he invited the Pedo teachers to bring boys to Parliament - Janner's own son was educated at the UCS in Hampstead, whose nursery school is called 'The Phoenix' and is a school which has a 'Statutory Ban on all Religion'.British author, Chris Everard, has exposed yet another Hampstead school which concealed an active Pedo-ring since the 1970s – this ring of bastards not only bedded young boys, but bussed them up and down Britain where they worked like unpaid slaves delivering leaflets which were promoting LORD JANNER – he invited the Pedo teachers to bring boys to Parliament – Janner’s own son was educated at the UCS in Hampstead, whose nursery school is called ‘The Phoenix’ and is a school which has a ‘Statutory Ban on all Religion’.

A British author, brother to the well known WILL SELF, has published a book in which a whole chapter is dedicated to exposing the PHOENIX SCHOOL for nursery & primary schoolboys in Hampstead. The Phoenix UCS school is – just like the Hampstead Whistleblower kids claimed – is yet another nursery/primary school in which teachers formed a sex abuse pedo-ring…

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